Concert People united will never be defeated
Concert People united will never be defeated
Pianist Hanna Shybayeva, born in Belarus, makes a personal statement against injustice...
Wednesday 1 October
Concert Sea Pictures
Concert Sea Pictures
Reflections on the Sea by the 19th century composers Elgar and Liszt with Franciscus wa...
Friday 10 October
Masterful Mystery - About Rembrandt's enigmatic contemporary
Masterful Mystery - About Rembrandt's enigmatic contemporary
In de tentoonstelling Meesterlijk Mysterie - Over Rembrandts raadselachtige tijdgenoot...
11 October 2025 until 8 March 2026
Concert Melanie Bonis
Concert Melanie Bonis
With 'Portrait of a Woman' the Frank Bridge Piano Quartet introduces you to the music o...
Friday 17 October
30•40•50+ Dancing Party Leiden
30•40•50+ Dancing Party Leiden
30+ Dancing Party is for everyone over 30 years old.
18 and 19 October
Concert Vermeulen, Pijper, Schat, Van Baaren en Kox
Concert Vermeulen, Pijper, Schat, Van Baaren en Kox
In collaboration with the Conservatory of Amsterdam and teacher Ralph van Raat, the Lei...
Friday 31 October
Exhibition Paint Plants in the Old University Library
Exhibition Paint Plants in the Old University Library
Working members of the Association of Botanical Artists portrayed all kinds of plants t...
31 October until 20 December
Concert Heppener, Bruynel, De Leeuw and Van Sweeden
Concert Heppener, Bruynel, De Leeuw and Van Sweeden
In collaboration with the Conservatory of Amsterdam and teacher Ralph van Raat, the Lei...
Thursday 6 November